Red Faction Wiki

The Marauder Scout Walker is an advanced light walker utilised by the Marauders and Cultists in the Cultist War and the resulting Plague Scourge.


It can be considered a shrunken version of the Marauder 'Mantis' Heavy Walker with faster speed, more manoeuvrability and still armed with a powerful array of weaponry. It falls behind the bigger cousin, however, in both armour and shielding.

This vehicle is also armed with a unique weapon, called the 'Lightning Beam'. This is powerful enough to make most infantry/small enemies explode into bloody showers of limbs and bone. Its secondary weapon, the 'Convergence Laser', is several beams that converge at the point being aimed upon to create a powerful explosion. This can also be bought as a handheld weapon, also called the Convergence Laser.

Though largely inefficient against larger Plague (E.G. Behemoths) and Marauder/Cultist vehicles (E.G. SHIVA Exosuits), this vehicle can 'kick' smaller enemies out of its way using one of its four armoured legs.

