Red Faction Wiki
F-1TL Fusion Rocket Launcher
Weapon fusion launcher
Faction Mercenary Regiment
Type Rocket Launcher
Location Mars
Clip/Ammo Large Nukes
Fire Primary "Dumb" Only

The F-1TL Fusion Rocket Launcher is the launcher of choice for the Mercenaries and it saw use during the First Martian Revolution


The Fusion Launcher is one of the most powerfull weapons in the game. It is capable to kill multiple enemies with a single shot and it has a huge explosion spread. Ammo for the Launcher is scarce so use it sparingly. The Fusion Launcher is often wielded by heavy mercenary units whom are not afraid to use their launchers to destroy the player. 

The Fusion Launcher is available in multiplayer as well, however it is usually a hidden weapon is most of the maps. 

