Red Faction Wiki

Disambig-icon Assault Rifle has other meanings. See Assault Rifle (disambiguation) for other uses. Disambig-icon

EDF Enforcer
RFG enforcer
Faction Earth Defence Force
Type Specialised Assault Rifle
Location Late dust/early Oasis/badlands
Power Medium
Range Medium
Rate of Fire Medium
Special Heat-seeking ammunition
Clip/Ammo 32/96
Fire Fully automatic
Melee Buttstock bash

The EDF Enforcer is an advanced assault rifle issued to soldiers of the Earth Defence Force during the Second Martian Revolution which uses heat-seeking ammo for superior accuracy. Although not quite as hard-hitting as the standard EDF Assault Rifle, the Enforcer allows for much better targeting on the move without any loss in accuracy, allowing the user far greater mobility on the battlefield. With the addition of notably low recoil compared with its contemporaries, the weapon can prove formidable.Its hande is similar to that of the Nexter Systems(Formerly GIAT Industries) FAMAS and Norinco rifles. The weapon seems to resemble the H&K G36 and SL8 while the magazine seems to be similar to the Izmash PP-19 Bizon, KBP Insturment Design Bureau PP90M1 and the SRM ARMS Model 1216.


The EDF Enforcer is first encountered in the late stages of Dust where it replaces the EDF Assault Rifle for some of the EDF Troopers. The weapon has several advantages over the Assault Rifle. First, its Heat-Seeking Bullets make it much more accurate than the EDF Assault Rifle, preserving ammo and allowing Mason to last longer before having to restock. Second, its lower rate of fire further conserves ammo, with a skilled player being able to kill a trooper and switch to a new target before the next shot. Its superior accuracy and ability to hit fast moving targets make it ideal in close to medium quarters, but with range come more dispersion and the auto-aim of the rounds. Due to the nature of the body-tracking ammunition the Enforcer fires, it is difficult to score a headshot at any range, as the bullets will aim for the center of mass I.E. Chest.


  • The position of the magazine in relation to the receiver means this weapon must have an internal magazine tube and lifter ala the AN-94, explaining the reduced fire rate and higher overall ammo count. this also means that it would have a higher chance of jamming and would make cleaning a nightmare in real life.
  • In Red Faction: Armageddon the Enforcer is unlocked once the player beaten the story mode. It is usable in New Game+.
  • The Enforcer is the only weapon model in the series to be usable in more than one game.


Earth Defence Force Weapons
Sidearms PistolSubverter
Rifles and Shotguns Assault rifleGauss rifleSniper rifleRail DriverEnforcerPeacekeeper
Mounted and Explosives Gauss TurretHeavy Machine Gun TurretSingularity bombsFragmentation grenade
